Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Thought Leadership by Satya Brahmachari on How Technology can Change the World: IT Transformation - Moving from 'Traditional RFP' ...

Thought Leadership by Satya Brahmachari on How Technology can Change the World: IT Transformation - Moving from 'Traditional RFP' ...: As the weekend closes by a Thought Ideation... Are Company ready to move from the Traditional 'RFP - Request for Proposal' Bid Ma...

We would like you to be a part of this Success story and a New Future. It's a Open- forum in spreading the "Word of Mouth" - https://www.facebook.com/BooksTransformingTheLifes

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

BOOKS Transforming The Life's of PEOPLE: Journey of an IT Professional and Willingness to C...

BOOKS Transforming The Life's of PEOPLE: Journey of an IT Professional and Willingness to C...: Today with the flood of Engineering and MBA colleges getting an IT job or campus placements have become the craze and trend across each ci...

Thought Leadership of Satya Brahmachari on How Technology can Change the World - Like Wealth needs to get distributed for the inclusiveness in Society, same way Knowledge is bigger intangible wealth which needs to get circulated for the overall growth of Society. As a Thought Leader using this BLOG as a platform, will spread the Knowledge of Wealth for the larger benefit of mankind and a new Tomorrow

BOOKS Transforming The Life's of PEOPLE: Changing Life's of People - 9 months post release ...

BOOKS Transforming The Life's of PEOPLE: Changing Life's of People - 9 months post release ...:   Changing Life's of People in Upgradation of Skillsets - 9 months post release of the BOOK - overall 1000+ people have Benefited and ...

We would like you to be a part of this Success story and a New Future. It's a Open- forum in spreading the "Word of Mouth" - https://www.facebook.com/BooksTransformingTheLifes

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